Massive Update!

Chris Filed Under: Labels: ,
Back from the dead!

Well, this thing was never really dead, but I've just been super lazy to update it! I actually took lots of pictures of food and stuff, but just never got around to posting it. So, now that I have graduated and have a plethora of time during this transitional phase in my life, on with the show!

So first thing on the agenda is a new look to go with the new year! So to all three of you who currently follow this blog, things may be a little shaky the next couple of days while I set everything up.

The new layout at the top of the site is setup so you can filter the posts more easily, so if you have no idea what Warhammer is, but you like reading about what I ate, then you are good to go!

I will also setup stuff like an RSS and Twitter feed just so I can get used to working with those.

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