One of my Dad's associates in Iraq just happened to be a GW fanatic/former store manager, so he set me up with him to hang out all day at the Battle Bunker. I had only been there once before way back when, and at that point, it was just a tiny store (smaller than the local GW store at the mall), so I was curious to see how it had evolved over the course of the last couple years, and I was not disapointed!
As we pulled up, this giant statue greeted us (and yes, in my moment of Nerd-glory I did almost piss my pants):
Here is a shot of the inside:
Here are some more shots of the neat setups they had:
Anyways, I did not just gawk all day, I got to play a game of WFB! Thanks to the friendly staff, they paired me up with a guy who had just finished assembling his new Warriors of Chaos army. He was running:
Lvl 4 Demon Prince of Nurgle
Exalted Champion of Khorne on Horse
Exalted Champion of Tzeentch on Horse
3 units of Khorne Marauder Horsemen with Flails
3 big units of pimped out Knights (2 Khorne, one Tzeentch).
I had my trusty Tomb Kings:
King on Chariot
Prince on Chariot
x2 Mounted Priests
2 units of Fast Cav
5 Chariots
3 Chariots
3 Chariots
3 Scorpions
x2 Catapults
Our setup here:
-My main chariot block blew through a unit of Marauders and got into his rear on my turn 1!
-Demon Prince goes down to a massive 13 impact hits from a unit of Chariots.
-Scorpion killing blows his Khorne character x3!
By the end of turn 3, all he had left was his unit of Tzeentch Knights, which I had surrounded on all sides:
Unfortunately for me, this image stayed like this for the last 3 turns, except half of my models died! Those Knights were insanely good with a 2+ armor save and a 4+ ward!
After we tallied everything up, I had squeezed out the minor victory. I won't be charging a unit like that anytime in the near future!
You can view other pictures I took that day here.